TSA Client

You must have User Id and password to use this client application, please Get Started to receive authentication information. You can also use a test account to use this application.


Timestamp Token Creation

TSA client is an executable jar file, Java is required to run this application. Double click the file to run TSA client application. Please check if Java is installed on the system. On Windows open command prompt, on Linux or Solaris open terminal, with command java -version, check if Java is installed on the system. JDK 1.6 or newer version of JDK is required for this application.

TSA client

Click create new timestamp token button and select any file to create timestamp token.

TSA client select file

Select the hash algorithm, to create a hash of data.

Select timestamp hash algorithm

Click the create timestamp request button. On the send request window, select TSA server, you can also select, Tecxoft test TSA. Provide username and password, click the send request button. After the timestamp request is successful, issuer certificate and CRL information can be checked.

Save timestamp token, timestamp token file is with .tst extension. It is better to save the token file with the same name as original file and at same location or folder.

To view the certificates, you can convert the token extension from tst to p7s, in this way you can check the Tecxoft TSA certificates.

Send timestamp request

Timestamp Token Verification

Click verify timestamp token button.

Verify timestamp token

Choose the timestamp token file, and the corresponding file, if timestamp token is successfully verified, verification information is shown.

Timestamp token verification ok

If the original file is changed, and timestamp token is verified, verification fails.

Timestamp token verification failed

Get started to create your account and start using timestamp client.
